Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Prim Dollies

Happy Tuesday night everyone is "Blog Land"

I was itching to make something sweet, simple and primitive tonight. I made up these little girl with one of my own patterns from "thee good olde days"

Hope everyone is having a nice night. I will be searching mags and blogs in the next 2-weeks to find inspiration for my kitchen makeover. It's time!!! Plus I REALLY need to re-paint my bedroom, I took over my sons room and its light blue (UGHHH) you can see in the background of the picture below. :( I'm not sure which color would look best with my antique bedroom set and the new hard wood flooring, if anyone out there has ideas let me know, PLEASE! direct me to a blog or web-site :)
That's all for now....I'm off to bed!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A great weekend indeed!

Hello everyone, just popping in to share my weekend, I had to work this morning of course (hard to turn down overtime pay) then my dad, both daughters, Jimmy & I headed out to Ducklake. A small lake connected to Lake Michigan. A place I went to a LOT as a kid. My dad had been talking about a "bottle dump" for years. He and my aunt had found a bunch of old antique bottles in the past, so we thought we'd search it out...no such luck but we still made the best of it. We had a scare here in the last month. Dad was having heart issues we were told but it turns out he is ok he just has to watch himself. THANK GOD!!!
My dad & my girls, Darcy and Cassidy.

Jimmy & myself

The Lake Michigan Blockhouse...
 Then....we searched for an old Indian cemetary, walked the woods next to Lake Michigan and I collected these acorn tops, lol I have no idea why. There HAS to be something cool I can do with them, it was so nice, the fresh air and the time spent with my family.
I hope everyone is haveing a great weekend as well! Also...Thank you to all of my newest followers :) I'm happy youe here!
~Hugs, Connie